Welcome To Resilient Health
Health experts providing assessment, diagnosis and psychotherapy to clients in Victoria BC and across British Columbia.

Assessment and Diagnosis

Care management (i.e. care planning)


Family therapy

Addictions counselling
Our team also has extensive experience working with Canada’s military, veterans and First Responder services, and we are dedicated to supporting these groups through specialized programs for these populations.

About Our Health Services
Understand Their Diagnosis
Formulate a clear and doable treatment plan that fits their needs
Navigate personal, professional, and relationship challenges
Comprehensive Assessment Services
Comprehensive assessment of psychological problems, including:
- Depression and mood disorders
- Anxiety disorders
- Posttraumatic stress disorder
- Addictions
- Personality disorders
- Obsessive compulsive disorder
- Sexual health problems
Care Planning
- Care planning and case management, to help individuals find the right resources and supports
- Self-referral--for clients who seek contact with us directly
- Provider referral--for health professionals whose clients need help developing a comprehensive care plan with wrap-around support
- Post-discharge services for people who have recently received inpatient treatment
- PE
- Somatic Experiencing
- Cognitive Behavioural Couple Therapy
- Emotion-focused Couple Therapy
Why Choose Our Clinic

Couple and Sex Therapy
Good couple therapy is hard to find. Couple therapy requires a significantly different and specialized skillset compared to other forms of therapy. Dr. Berry is the former Manager of Operations of the sex and Couple Therapy service at the McGill University Health Centre and has taught and supervised numerous therapists in couple and sex therapy. This treatment requires the therapist to support both partners while remaining objective and impartial in service of the relationship. Sex therapy also requires a highly specialized skillset, and a clinician who is both sensitive to and comfortable with topics that can be difficult to talk about. A good therapist is non-judgmental and helps you to feel safe even when you don’t feel comfortable.

Trauma Therapy
Trauma causes injury. The most commonly used term for this injury is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder although we prefer the term Post Traumatic stress injury because it better captures the fact that like a physical injury, this can happen to anyone, and it can be healed. In many lines of work, such as military, law enforcement and first response services, on the job trauma can lead to occupational stress injury. For those who have experienced trauma in childhood, in personal relationships, through violence or accidents, the same types of symptoms can emerge. People often judge and shame themselves for their post-traumatic stress symptoms or assume that they cannot possibly have PTSI because their trauma was not “bad enough”. In our view, everyone struggling with post-traumatic effects deserves a proper assessment and trauma-specific treatment such as CPT or Prolonged Exposure. People with PTSI often feel they can’t get better, but with the right treatment, you can heal.

Addiction Counselling

Services for Military and Veterans

Services for First Responders

Family Services
We are dedicated to supporting families, by providing family consultation and counselling, and helping the family develop a plan to support each person’s mental health needs.
At Resilient, we understand that addiction and mental illness affect the whole family, and that family members often have valuable insight that can help shape a person’s treatment plan. When clients feel it would be useful, we speak to family members, to get useful information, and to provide guidance to help the whole family move forward.
Our Healthcare Experts