Alice Houston-Mais

Clinical Counsellor

Alice has worked as a compassionate listener, helping others to solve problems and to recover from depression, anxiety, substance use disorder and relationship problems for over thirty-five years. She has also worked extensively with others who are overcoming the adverse effects of difficult childhood circumstances or trauma.

Alice has a master’s degree in clinical social work where she originally studied Family and Couples Counselling. She has a special interest in helping families in recovery from problematic substance use.

Alice has received training in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) and she has also trained extensively as a Cognitive Behavior Therapist (CBT) and CBT teacher under the direction of the founders of CBT. She has published CBT materials about treating a variety of disorders and she has also taught other health care professionals about CBT for over twenty years.

Alice’s treatment approach is based on empathic listening, collaboration, and self- empowerment. Once we have developed a good understanding of the issues you are working on and established concrete goals for the changes you want to make in your life, Alice will work with you to strategically solve your problems and to teach you behavioral skills to help you to create the life you want.